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Concerts - high school and youth choirs

7 concerts are scheduled in the second part of the Festival (17-20 April)

special concert with Sardinian Youth Choir
Wednesday 17 April at 6.30pm
Terme Tettuccio (Portoghesi hall), Piazza Domenico Giusti

♪ Sardinian Youth Choir | conductor Claudia Dolce

ANONIMA ARMONISTI acapella septet in concert
Wednesday 17 April at 9.30pm
Terme Tettuccio (Portoghesi hall), Piazza Domenico Giusti

Concert of the participating choirs 
Thursday 18 April 2024 at 6.00pm
Terme Regina, Piazza Domenico Giusti

in performance order
♪ L. Della Valle music high school polyphonic choir - Cosenza | conductor Saverio Tinto
♪ G. Oberdan Scientific high school choir - Trieste | conductor Alessandra Esposito
♪ Petrarca high school choir - Arezzo | conductor Silvia Vajente
♪ Vocal Vibes - Bientina | conductor Annalisa Artigiani
♪ MusicaLiceo choir, G. Dal Piaz scientific high school - Feltre | conductor Sheila Rech
♪ Albertelli Choir, P. Albertelli classical high school - Roma | conductor Ludovico Versino

Concert of the participating choirs
Thursday 18 April 2024 at 6.30pm
Terme Tettuccio (Portoghesi hall), Piazza Domenico Giusti

in performance order
♪ Mamiani Choir, T. Mamiani classical high school - Roma | conductor Ludovico Versino
♪ Keplero and Morgagni choir - Roma | conductor Claudia Nizzica
♪ Mi-Be Pop Choir, Misticoni-Bellisario high school of art, music and dance - Pescara | conductor Cristina Di Zio
♪ Unisono Choir, V. Volterra scientific high school - Ciampino | conductor Fabio De Angelis
♪ Hebel Choir - S.M. Legnani classical high school - Saronno | conductor Raffaele Cifani
♪ Soleri Bertoni Choir, Soleri-Bertoni high school - Saluzzo | conductor Enrico Miolano

Concert of the participating choirs
Friday 19 April 2023 at 6.00pm
Terme Tettuccio (Portoghesi hall), Piazza Domenico Giusti

in performance order
♪ Friuli Venezia Giulia Regional Youth Choir | direttore Fabiana Noro
♪ Sardinian Youth Choir | conductor Claudia Dolce
♪ C. Rinaldini classical, musical and human sciences high school choir - Ancona and C. Varano high school choir - Camerino | conductors Marco Guarnieri and Vincenzo Pierluca
♪ Newton music high school choir - Chivasso | conductor Mariacarmen Antelmi
♪ Il Coro che non c’è - Roma | conductor Ludovico Versino
♪E. Cairoli classical high school choir and G. Ferraris scientific hight school choir - Varese | conductor Raffaele Cifani

A Midspring Night's Dream
Touring performance of participating choirs 
Friday 19 April 2024 at 9pm
Terme Tettuccio (different locations)

Ateliers concert
Saturday 20 April 2024 at 3pm
Teatro Verdi, Viale G. Verdi 45 

B1 In the starlight | conductor Serena Marino
B2 A sea of dreams | conductor Luca Scaccabarozzi
B3 Juke-box | conductor Davide Benetti
B4 From soul to body | conductor Mirko Ferlan
B5 Between Me and You | conductor Rohan Poldervaart
B6 At the convent with Deloris | conductor Elisa Dal Corso
B7 The Globe Theatre | conductor Jan Schumacher

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