No launches from Cape Canaveral! No rockets, fuels, moon landings! We go to the Moon by flying out the windows and riding the clouds, swimming in her seas and observing the mountains that her light covers in silvery light. Waiting for her to return tomorrow.
primary schools | language: Italian
💒 VENUE: Hotel Croce di Malta, viale IV Novembre 18
♪ InCanto dell’i.c. 8 - Pescara [primary group] | conductor Giusy Tatone
♪ Coro di voci bianche Euphonios - Prato | conductor Andrea Bochicchio
♪ La Musica Unisce dell’istituto Martin Luther King - Roma [primary group] | conductor Guglielmo Pernaselci
♪ I Piccoli del Calicanto - Salerno | conductor Eleonora Laurito
🌸 Dress code atelier: TOTAL WHITE. White T-shirt + white trousers.
Se juega in Sudamerica, si joca in Sicilia. At every latitude, play is the mental space of adults and children, it is a primary need, an inner need for a secret place that tastes of lightness. By singing we want to express the need to feel free without transgressing... the rules of the game.
primary schools | language: Italian
💒 VENUE: Hotel Tamerici & Principe, viale IV Novembre 2b
♪ Coro Carducci del III circolo didattico - Cesena | conductor Maria Roberta Serra
♪ Incanto Tra le Note dell’i.c. - Cossato (Bi) [primary group] | conductor Simona Riussi
♪ Coro di voci bianche della scuola civica di musica A. Chironi - Nuoro | conductor Franca Floris
🌸 Dress code atelier: SPORTY. Tracksuit or sports trousers (colour is irrelevant) + plain t-shirt in shades of YELLOW, RED, GREEN or BLUE, a possible sports accessory (cap, wristbands, ...). It is preferable that the colours of the t-shirt within each group are varied: in practice NOT a single colour for the whole group.
What is that safe place where everyone's voices can be heard and respected? That shelter where all the persons are welcomed, encouraged to be authentic, to be themselves? That place where people work together to heal and improve the world?
primary/junior high schools | language: English
💒 VENUE: Centro Congressi Hotel Vittoria, Via Guido Baccelli 2A
♪ Voci in Musica dell’i.c. - Andorno Micca (Bi) | conductors Maria Francesca Garbaccio e Sara Viale
♪ Coro dell’i.c. Ardea 1 - Ardea (Rm) | conductor Fabio De Angelis
♪ Coro Maior della scuola media Maior - Pescara | conductor Giulia Di Fabio
♪ Voci in Armonia della scuola media M. Pluchinotta - Sant'Agata Li Battiati (Ct) | conductor Carmela Galvagno
🌸 Dress code atelier: RAINBOW. Jeans + plain t-shirt. The high voices coloured jersey: YELLOW, RED and ORANGE. Serious voices jersey colour: GREEN, BLUE, INDAKE and PURPLE (each group will have to find a balance in the distribution of colours in the various sections trying to include all colours so that, once in formation, the impact at a glance is that of a rainbow).
Feel the emotions of different musical scales and rhythms; hear the music of Mediterranean languages; dialogue between cultures to finally find unity around an olive tree and what it symbolises.
primary/junior high schools | language: Italian/English
💒 VENUE: Hotel Du Park et Regina, via Armando Diaz, 8
♪ Piccolo Coro delle Ville dell’i.c. 1 - Castel di Lama (Ap) | conductor Stefania Pulcini
♪ Il coro dei bambini - Cercola (Na) | conductor Lucia Mazzone
♪ Canto Anch’io - Colle Umberto (Tv) | conductor Beatrice Fioretti
♪ Schola cantorum Al… Massimo dell’istituto M. Massimo - Roma | conductor Cristina Bortolato
♪ CorLeggero - Torino | conductor Giuseppe Crea
🌸 Dress code atelier: black trousers + plain t-shirt in shades of OLIVE GREEN or DARK GREEN.
Double Trouble of spells and potions, theatre of mysterious sounds and labyrinth of secret passages, but also light of glittering salons where you can square dance and be dancing queen for a night.
primary/junior high schools | language: Italian
💒 VENUE: Oratorio della Chiesa di Santa Maria Maggiore, Piazza del Popolo (lato dx guardando la facciata della chiesa)
♪ Vox Cordis Children’s Choir - Arezzo | conductor Eugenio Dalla Noce
♪ Canossa Choir dell’istituto Canossiano - Brescia | conductor Giacomo Gozzini
♪ Coro Arcobaleno dell’i.c. Martiri - Civitella Val di Chiana (Ar) | conductor Eugenio Dalla Noce
♪ Coro Akademia - Fabriano (An) | conductor Paola Taticchi
♪ Petit ChantEnvers - Fénis (Ao) | conductor Veronica Pederzolli
♪ Dream and Sing dell’i.c. don A. De Caro - Fisciano (Sa) | conductor Argentina Napoli
🌸Dress code atelier: outfit shades of BLUE/BLUE, WHITE, BEIGE. Trousers, jeans, t-shirts, skirts, dresses, shirts, etc. may be worn, as long as they are in the shades indicated.
The characters from Saint-Exupéry's tale come to life thanks to the music of Pierangelo Valtinoni, who has written this opera for a truly magical space: the stage of La Scala Theatre in Milan!
junior high schools | language: Italian
💒 VENUE: Palazzo del Turismo, Via Verdi 66
♪ Coro Pascoli dell’i.c. G. Pascoli - Aprilia (Lt) | conductor Rita Nuti
♪ Cigalòbaibamba dell’i.c. G. Monaco - Castel Focognano (Ar) | conductor Luca Nocentini
♪ Coro Garibaldi dell’i.c. G. Garibaldi - Genzano (Rm) | conductor Elisabetta Fortini
♪ Coro interclasse Sacro Cuore Trinità dei Monti - Roma | conductor Osvaldo Guidotti
🌸 Dress code atelier: TOTAL BLACK. Black trousers + black T-shirt.
What are we willing to take a stand for? What do we want? What defines our generation? Get on stage to make your voice heard, join the revolution!
junior high schools | language: English
💒 VENUE: Terme Tettuccio (sala Portoghesi), Piazza Domenico Giusti
♪ Vocal Dreams della scuola sec. di I grado - Castellanza (Va) | conductor Stefano Torresan
♪ Incanto Tra le Note dell’i.c. - Cossato (Bi) | conductor Simona Riussi
♪ Sighele Choir dell’i.c. Riva 2 L. Pizzini - Riva del Garda (Tn) | conductor Claudia Rizzo
♪ La Musica Unisce dell’istituto Martin Luther King - Roma | conductor Guglielmo Pernaselci
🌸 Dress code atelier: jeans (even with rips are fine) + WHITE t-shirt with a WORD painted on it, in large letters, summarising a theme that the young people feel is particularly important for the world they belong to. A word they would like to 'shout' to this world (they can write it in Italian or English).
Sometimes we feel sad, and then it becomes important to believe in ourselves, to feel that we can fly anywhere and find the strength to achieve anything. Let's venture together into the immense space of our soul.
junior high schools | language: English
💒 VENUE: Terme Regina, Piazza Domenico Giusti
i♪ I Tridentini dell’i.c. Ovest 2 - Brescia | conductor Leonarda De Ninis
♪ Coro della scuola elemetare Livade e Šmarje pri Kopru - Izola (Koper) | conductors Suzana Čopi Stanišić and Andreja Štucin Cergol
♪ I Fiori Musicali dell’istituto M. Massimo - Roma | conductor Cristina Bortolato
🌸 Dress code atelier: TOTAL BLACK. Black trousers + black T-shirt.
We create this space ourselves, with the energy of our body, capable of becoming sound, song, percussion, and with our creative energy, capable of inventing what is not there, giving it form and substance, until it becomes real for others.
junior high schools | language: Italian
💒 VENUE: Hotel Tuscany Inn, via Cividale, 86/E
♪ Coro della secondaria Bonazzi-Lilli dell’i.c. 14 di Perugia | conductor Vladimiro Vagnetti
♪ InCanto dell’i.c. 8 - Pescara | conductor Giusy Tatone
♪ Coro della scuola sec. di I grado S. Gregorčič dell’i.c. J.Pangerc - San Dorligo della Valle (Ts) | conductor Neda Sancin
♪ Coro e gruppo musica d'insieme Dante dell’i.c. D. Alighieri - Trieste | conductor Fabio Zanin
🌸 Dress code atelier: BLACK t-shirt and trousers with a solid-coloured FOULARD. It is preferable for the colours of the scarf within each group to be varied and chosen by each boy: basically NOT one colour for the whole group.
A love born in a disco, the worry of never seeing each other again and the happy ending with the reunion. Where there is dancing, today as in every time of history, there is love, loss, meeting again, and many stories to tell.
junior high schools | language: Italian
💒 VENUE: Centro Congressi Hotel Vittoria, Via Guido Baccelli 2A
♪ Coro dell'i.c. Raffaello Giovagnoli - Monterotondo (Rm) | conductor Simona Ivaldi
♪ Saru Jeeva dell’i.c. - Pray (Bi) | conductor Manuela Pacucci
♪ Coro Cum Magno Gaudio dell’i.c. A. Magno - Roma | conductor Caterina Falcone
🌸 Dress code atelier: FLUORESCENT. Jeans + white t-shirt. Other fluorescent accessories and clothing can be added to this base (if the boys have fluorescent jumpers, sweatshirts, jackets, shorts, dresses, headbands they can wear them in addition to the jeans and white t-shirt). Girls can think of a 70s-style hairstyle (with headbands, ribbons, braids, etc.).
During the festival the choir participates in only one atelier, unless objective needs are agreed upon with the organisation. When registering, each group has the option of specifying multiple atelier choices. The options are only indicative; the final division into the ateliers is determined by the artistic coordinator, Carlo Pavese, jointly with the festival organisation on the basis of various factors such as: staffing, size of the group, curricula, previous participation in the festival, other characteristics.
The ateliers are held in Italian or English as specified in the section dedicated to the description of the ateliers. In Montecatini Terme, each participant receives the educational file related to his or her atelier, which he or she should keep carefully for study during the festival.