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Participating choirs - high school and youth choirs 

Guaranteed fun for high school choirs and youth choirs: 21 choirs with more than 700 singers


♪ C. Rinaldini classical, musical and human sciences high school choir - Ancona | conductor Marco Guarnieri

♪ Petrarca high school choir - Arezzo | conductor Silvia Vajente
♪ Vocal Vibes - Bientina | conductor Annalisa Artigiani
♪ C. Varano high school choir - Camerino | conductor Vincenzo Pierluca
♪ Newton music high school choir - Chivasso | conductor Mariacarmen Antelmi
♪ Unisono Choir, V. Volterra scientific high school - Ciampino | conductor Fabio De Angelis
♪ L. Della Valle music high school polyphonic choir - Cosenza | conductor Saverio Tinto
♪ MusicaLiceo choir, G. Dal Piaz scientific high school - Feltre | conductor Sheila Rech
Friuli Venezia Giulia Regional Youth Choir | direttore Fabiana Noro
♪ Giovani Cantori Junior - Genova | Roberta Paraninfo
♪ Mi-Be Pop Choir, Misticoni-Bellisario high school of art, music and dance - Pescara | conductor Cristina Di Zio
♪ Albertelli Choir, P. Albertelli classical high school - Roma | conductor Ludovico Versino
♪ Mamiani Choir, T. Mamiani classical high school - Roma | conductor Ludovico Versino
♪ Il Coro che non c’è - Roma | conductor Ludovico Versino
♪ Keplero and Morgagni choir - Roma | conductor Claudia Nizzica
♪ Soleri Bertoni Choir, Soleri-Bertoni high school - Saluzzo | conductor Enrico Miolano
Sardinian Youth Choir | conductor Claudia Dolce
♪ Hebel Choir - S.M. Legnani classical high school - Saronno | conductor Raffaele Cifani
♪ G. Oberdan Scientific high school choir - Trieste | conductor Alessandra Esposito
♪ E. Cairoli classical high school choir - Varese | conductor Raffaele Cifani
♪ G. Ferraris scientific hight school choir - Varese | conductor Raffaele Cifani

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