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David Bandelj / junior high school

David Bandelj studied Piano and Viola at the Slovene Centre for Music Education Emil Komel in Gorizia, graduated and obtained a PhD in Comparative Literature at the University of Ljubljana (Slovenia) and studied Conducting with H. Lavrenčič and W. Lo Nigro, furthering his studies with W. Pfaff, S. Kuret, M. Detterbeck and A. Čopi. Since 2013 he has been conductor of the Emil Komel mixed youth choir in Gorizia, with which he has won important awards in national and international competitions (Arezzo, Maribor, Varna etc.) and has an intense concert activity in Italy and abroad. He has conducted first performances of Italian and Slovenian composers (R. Brisotto, T. Vulc, P. Quaggiato), symphonic-choral works (Bach's Magnificat, Gjeilo's Sunrise Mass), collaborates with the ArsAtelier orchestra in Gorizia and conducts the Nova chamber orchestra in Nova Gorica (Slovenia). He is a member of juries in choral competitions, holds workshops for youth choirs and is committed to popularising the music of composers from Gorica. He has published several collections of poetry and teaches literature at the Gregorčič High School with Slovenian as the language of instruction in Gorizia.

Marco Barbon / primary and junior high school

Marco Barbon is an Italian conductor based in Munich (Germany). Since 2021 he has been working as choir conductor and vocal coach at Tölzer Knabenchor in Munich, Germany. He has also been the artistic director of the men's choir since 2024. Withthis choir he has conducted concerts for international festivals such as Anima Mundi Festival in Pisa (Italy), Rheingau Musikfestival in Wiesbaden (Germany), Voci d'Europa Festival inSardinia (Italy), and in prestigious concert halls such as Herkulessaal in Munich. He is also responsible for preparing the boy soloists for repertoire and contemporary operas at the Bayerische Staatsoper in Munich, the Deutsche Oper and the Komische Oper in Berlin, and the Opéra national de Lyon. For several years, he has been invited as teacher in masterclasses for choir conducting and choral singing and as jury member of choral competitions organized by various regionalchoral associations throughout Italy. He has been appointed member of the artistic committee of the Choral Association of Veneto Region and during the year 2016-2017 he conducted the Youth Choir of Veneto Region. In 2019, he won the second prize in the international choral conducting competition "Romano Gandolfi" and second prize in the Italian national choral conducting competition "Le mani in Suono." At the Conservatory of Castelfranco Veneto he completed a Master of Arts in Piano Performance and in 2022 a master's degree in choir conducting and composition cum laude and distinction in the class of M. Berrini, meanwhile enriching his musical experience at the University of Music in Saarbrücken thanks to the Erasmus+ programme. In 2019, he obtained a master's degree in Renaissance and Baroque singing at the Conservatory of Venice. In his career he obtained a Bachelor degree in Speech and Language Therapy at the University of Padua. He is highly specialized in voice therapy and vocal training for voice professionals.

Davide Benetti / high school

He is graduated in organ and organ composition at the Istituto Musicale Pareggiato of Aosta and at the Music International Academy in Milan. Then he obtained Le diplôme de soliste in organ and organ improvisation at the Haute École de Musique in Geneva with A. Corti. After graduating in music at the DAMS of Turin, he obtained a specialist degree in choral composition and choir conducting at the G. Verdi Conservatory of Turin with P. Tonini Bossi and D. Tabbia. He attended master classes in choir conduction with important conductors such as P. Broadbent, J. Busto, N. Corti, G. Graden, B. Holten, R. Rasmussen, A. Thomas, M. Berrini, L. Donati and L. Marzola and in 2013 he won first prize in the national competition for choir conductors Le mani in suono in Arezzo. He was artistic director of the Vocal de Si de La Ensemble and of the Arcova Vocal Ensemble while since 2017 he conducts the Torino Vocalensemble with which he carries out an intense concert activity in Italy and abroad. In 2014 and 2016 he conducted the pilot choir of the European Seminar for composers, organised by Feniarco, ECA and Arcova, collaborating with P. Lawson, V. Miškinis and Z. Randall Stroope. He currently teaches organ and choral exercises at the SFOM (Music Training and Orientation School) in Aosta and, since 2014. He is a teacher of the School for choir conductors in Turin Il respiro è già canto as well as of several other courses and stages for choirs and conductors. From 2020 to 2022 he directed the Italian Youth Choir. He currently teaches choir practice and conducting at the Aosta Conservatory.

Ilaria Cavalca / primary 

Pianist, music educator and choir conductor, Ilaria Cavalca has an intense activity as an accompanist pianist and as a chamber musician in ensembles addressed to the research and dissemination of the contemporary repertoire. During her studies, she entered the choral scene first as a singer and then as a conductor, immediately focusing her interest towards children's choirs. She attended the Choral conducting and Composition course at the conservatorio A. Boito in Parma, where she deepened the technical aspects of conducting and composition under the guidance of the teachers Fratini, Ziliani and Poldi, a course that she flanked with numerous masterclasses dedicated to didactic strategies for children's choirs and to children's musical training methodologies (Orff and Dalcroze), studying with choir conductors and teachers such as Pavese, Valbusa, Polidori, Scattolin, Zaltron, Pecci, Paduano, Sanna and Pinotti. She is a teacher of choral singing in the pre-academic courses at the Conservatory of Reggio Emilia and Castelnovo né Monti, for which she is also a piano teacher, general propaedeutics teacher and didactic coordinator of the Cavriago (Re) venue. She is a teacher of music education at five primary schools in the province of Reggio Emilia, conductor of the I.C. Don Dossetti Choir in Cavriago, the CavriCanto Youth Choir, which she founded in 2018, and the Vocinsieme Choir in Gattatico (Re). Always convinced that singing in a choir can be a powerful means of socialisation, she has initiated several short and community choir projects. In the three-year period 2019-2022, she was conductor of the Youth Choir of Emilia Romagna AERCO and periodically collaborates as a teacher with regional choral associations. A composer and arranger, her piece Il serpente bidone (The Snake Bin) was included in the volume Giro giro canto 8. published by Feniarco. 

Maria Ciavarella / high school

Maria Ciavarella (1995) was born in Brescia (Italy). After studying Violin at Conservatorio L. Marenzio in Brescia, she graduated at the Guido d’Arezzo School for choral conductors under the direction of L. Donati, N. Corti, G. Graden, P. Broadbent, A. Schweitzer, C. Pavese, L. Marzola, L. Leo. In 2018 she attended a Choral Conducting Master at the Chigiana Summer Academy with L. Donati and the Spirito Academy “Les sens de la voix” with N. Corti. From 2019 to 2022 she attended several Masterclasses for Choral Conducting (M. Sacquegna, M. Da Rold, M. Valbusa, L. Scaccabarozzi, R. Paraninfo and C. Pavese. In 2023 she obtained the bachelor’s degree in Choral Conducting and Choral Composition at Conservatorio F.A. Bonporti in Trento, with P. Grassi. In 2024 she graduated in Medicine and Surgery at the University of Brescia. She has been a member of several Italian choirs winning many prizes in national and international choral competitions: Controcanto Female Choir (2011-present), UT insieme vocale-consonante (2020-2022), Guido Chigi Saracini Choir (2018-2023), Tuscan Youth Choir (2018-2019). In 2020 she won the Second Prize at the National Choral Conducting Competition “Le mani in suono” in Arezzo. In 2022 she won the First Prize at the National Competition “Città di Fermo” with Controcanto Female Choir and a Special Prize for Choral Conducting. She is currently the main conductor of the Torino Vocal Ensemble and of the madrigalistic ensemble Suspirium in Florence, while leading several conducting projects in Primary Schools and conducting the Controcanto Youth Choir and Controcanto Children Choir.

Elisa Dal Corso  / high school

A former children voice of the Farnesiano Choir in Piacenza conducted by M. Pigazzini and founded by R. Goitre, Elisa Dal Corso graduated with honours in Opera Singing from the Conservatorio Verdi in Milan, and holds a diploma from the SDM - the School of Musicals in Milan (where she trained as a Performer) and from the Class-Liguriacanta School for Choir Conductors directed by R. Paraninfo. She is currently studying Choir Conducting at the La Spezia Conservatory under the guidance of F. Lombardo and B. Nofri. From January to September 2024, she will conduct the Piccoli Cantori and the Giovani Cantori di Torino. She is the conductor of the Piacenza Cathedral Choir and vocal director of several Italian professional musicals, including West Side Story, An American in Paris, Van Gogh Cafè and Sister Act. She taught at the Festival Giovani Voci in Coro organised by USCI FVG. She teaches Choral Singing at the academies Il Cerchio di Legno in Verona and CID in Parma, and at the Scuola media Sacra Famiglia in Cremona and the Istituto superiore Romagnosi in Piacenza. She regularly holds workshops and lessons in Musical, Vocal Technique and Ear Training at choirs and theatre companies. Her teaching is based on the Goitre Method and the Estill Voice Model. She founded and is the leader of the theatrical collective Lucky Fella, with which she has an intense concert activity and sings with the medieval vocal group Enerbia. She is part of the cast of several musicals, including L. Bernstein's Mass at the Terme di Caracalla, S. Sondheim's Sweeney Todd and the musical comedies Zena, Il Vajont di tutti and Forza Venite Gente. She is currently a singer with the Sibi Consoni conducted by R. Paraninfo and the Vox Silvae conducted by F. Perotti.

Matteo Guerrieri / primary and junior high school

Matteo Guerrieri studied opera singing with maestros C. Ottino and M. Trabucco and graduated in Composition at the Conservatory of Music N. Paganini in Genoa under the guidance of L. Giachino and R. Dapelo. He graduated with honours and dignity in Choir Direction and Choral Composition at the Conservatorio di Musica G. Puccini in La Spezia with F. Lombardo. He obtained a master's degree in Choral Conducting at the Scuola Superiore per direttori di Coro della Fondazione Guido d'Arezzo with maestros N. Corti, J. Busto, P. Broadbent, M. Berrini, L. Donati, L. Leo and L. Marzola and in 2015 he obtained a diploma in the three-year academy of opera orchestra conducting at the association Spazio Musica founded by G. Ravazzi under the guidance of D. Agiman. He has participated in various composition seminars, courses for choir conductors and choral didactics courses for children's choir with C. Pavese, N. Conci, K. Nemes (Kodaly didactics), J. Gomez and N. Garcia (Coro Manos Blancas, El Sistema Abreu), T. Lalo and the Swingle Singers. He specialised in Sign Language obtaining a third level LIS diploma at the ENS in Genoa (Ente Nazionale Sordi) and working as a communication assistant at primary and secondary schools. Since 2013 he has been the artistic and principal conductor of the youth and children's choir and orchestra, and the adult choir and orchestra of the Trillargento association. With these groups he carries out an intense didactic and concert activity collaborating with various realities including the GOG (Giovine Orchestra Genovese), the Teatro Carlo Felice in Genoa, the Teatro Nazionale in Genoa, the Festival Paganini, the Festival Suq, the Festival InCanto Armonico in Sarzana, the Festival ConCertosa in Naples. He is a music teacher in primary and secondary schools and a trainer of primary and secondary school teachers and conductors of children's and youth choirs. Since 2020 he has been a member of the artistic direction and teacher of the CLAss_Liguriacanta Biennial School for Choir Conductors. As a composer in 2015 he won the Call for scores of the Eutopia Ensemble, in 2020 his composition Un uomo con tre cappelli on a text by G. Rodari was selected by Feniarco for the publication of GiroGiroCanto 8, and in 2022 he won the second prize at the Nuove Musiche dalla Livenza Composition Competition in the school choir category.

Tom Johnson / junior high school

Tom Johnson is a violinist and choral conductor. For him singing is one of the most accessible forms of making music. By singing Tom reaches out to all groups in society: children and adults, choirs and schools, professionals and beginners. He hopes everyone can experience the joy of singing together. To start with the basics Tom often sings with children in schools. He is the artistic leader of Iedereen zingt, and conductor in the OpMaatOrkest. Two projects that use singing as way to connect throughout society. Singing with children demands a specific approach, Tom thinks it’s important to train the teachers and conductors of tomorrow. In september 2016 Tom was appointed a teaching position in the conducting class of SAMWD Lier. Together with Marleen de Boo he teaches conducting and is in charge of the School choir Euterpe. In 2017 he starts as professor in the bachelor music education at AP University in Antwerp. Together with Koor&Stem he gives the course Singing with children for children’s choir conductors. As an atelier and workshop leader he works for different organisations in Belgium and abroad. Because of his strong believe in singing, he founded Zingend Schip (Singing Ship) together with Sien de Smet and Margot De Ley. They start from the idea that all children can sing and perform. He conducts De Lambertijnen (children aged 8 to 12) and Carmina (youngsters aged 12 to 18), two choirs from the C-koren, the largest choir-family in Belgium, with over 300 singing members. In Mechelen Tom conducts Vocaal Ensemble Viermaliks (a mixed vocal group).

Fabio Lombardo / high school

He studied composition, analysis, electronic music, voice and choir conducting in Florence, Paris, Arezzo and Siena. Among the many encounters during his training were those with Fosco Corti, Romano Pezzati, Albert Mayr and later with Andrew Lawrence King. As conductor in 1982 he founded the vocal and instrumental ensemble L'Homme Armé, and in 1987 he was called upon by P. Farulli to found the Schola Cantorum Francesco Landini of the Fiesole School of Music, which he conducted until 2022. From 1986 to 1998, he was also artistic and musical director of the Gruppo Polifonico F. Coradini of Arezzo, with which he won first prize at the 44th International Competition in Llangollen (Great Britain, 1990). With these groups he has given concerts in Italy and Europe and recorded several CDs with music by Banchieri, Ockeghem, Gagliano, Isaac, and Corteccia. With L'Homme Armé, of which he is also the artistic director, he continues to pursue a project that interweaves the in-depth study and dissemination of the ancient repertoire, especially of the Renaissance, with some contemporary themes. He has always divided his activity between research, conception, interpretation and artistic production, without ever neglecting his teaching activities. For almost thirty years, he held the chair of Choir Conducting at the State Conservatory of La Spezia, teaching courses and seminars also for other Italian institutes and institutions including, from 2022, the new Choir Conductor School in Genoa.

Salvatore Murru  / primary and junior high school

Graduated with top marks in Piano and Composition, at the Conservatorio Musicale San Pietro a Majella in Naples, Salvatore Murru combines his writing activity with that of choir conductor. In October 2012, he was commissioned by the MIUR to conduct a children's choir in the presence of the Minister of Education, at the Accademia dei Lincei, during the awarding of the Nobel Prize to the EU. As a composer, he was commissioned by the conservatory of Naples to orchestrate several scores for the Pergolesi Celebrations (Naples, Palazzo Reale, 2010). He has realised works in different fields, from stage music to the soundtrack of silent films, to choral writing: in June 2014, he received a special mention at the MIUR for the composition of the piece Sulla Luna, from G. Rodari's Filastrocche per un anno, for children's choir and piano and, the following year, on the omonymous ode by Horace, the first prize overall for the piece Vides ut alta for children's choir and orchestra. In 2016, he was awarded a scholarship by the UNCLA, at the initiative of the Ministry of Culture. In addition to his activities as a composer and choir conductor, he is also a teacher. In fact, he is a teacher at the Russo-Solimena institute in Naples, where he has initiated, also thanks to the possibilities offered by a Ministerial Decree, a fruitful choral practice course for the children who attend it. The school is currently listed (also in the first segment) as a music school. He is also involved in training and choral conducting at the Centro di Musica Antica Pietà de' Turchini in Naples. He has collaborated on the musical part of teaching guides for teachers for IBISCUS Edizioni.

Serena Peroni / primary

Serena Peroni is a choir conductor, singer and pianist. She graduated in Choral Conducting at the P. Righele Academy and obtained a diploma at the Italian Choral Academy studying with teachers such as A. Kirschner, D. Tabbia, L. Marzola, F. Barchi, M. Lanaro, L. Golino, P. Veleno, L. Donati, R. Rasmussen, Ursa Lah, P. Broadbent and others. She graduated with honours from the three-year academic piano course, under the guidance of M. Tezza, and from the two-year course in Renaissance and Baroque singing at the A. Pedrollo Conservatory in Vicenza, studying with G. Bertagnolli, M. Scavazza and L. Serafini. She is currently continuing her academic career by attending the two-year course in ensemble music (specialising in voices and ancient instruments). She frequently sings in ensembles, early music groups and as a soloist. She has been a member of the Italian National Choir and Eurochoir. Since 2023, she has been a member of the Revoice International Ensemble. She performs an intensive concert activity conducting the choirs Iter novum, the treble voices section, and the Ensemble la Rose. With these groups, she has won numerous awards in national and international competitions. She won 1st prize, and the prize as youngest finalist, at the National Competition for Choir Conductors Le mani in suono in Arezzo (2022). She teaches piano and singing at the S. Lorenzi institute in Lonigo (VI) and regularly holds vocal workshops and laboratories throughout the country.

Rohan Poldervart (The Netherlands) / high school

With great love and passion for piano & choir singing Rohan starts his career as a choir conductor in 2004. After graduating at the University of Hong Kong (HKU Music) in Education he decides to specialize in Rhythmic Choir Music. He finishes his master in Innovative Choir Leading & Performace soloist (post-master) at the Royal Academy of Aalborg (DK) in 2019. Innovative Choir Leading represents a cappella singing, vocal (group) improvisation, circle singing, rehearsed music and the methodology to aim for the highest artistic level. With his humble presence, communication and musical skills Rohan is an experienced and inspiring teacher and musician. “The most fascinating element of music and singing in general is the teambuilding part.” Rohan is currently working as the artistic director at Vocal Statements. Working together with his colleague A. Heidweiller he designs a specific program for secondary schools VMBO level. He works in Belgium, Germany, Finland, Denmark, and China as a coach and trainer for music teachers and conductors. One of his goals is to emphasize the relevance of music and singing in education. He is also the conductor and artistic leader at The Amsterdam Vocals”. He teaches at HKU Conservatory (Gospel minor), Codarts (Vocal Leadership) Rotterdam, and ArtEZ Zwolle (Choir Leading). On September 2023 he started with a pilot goal to create a national youth choir that represent the Netherlands in diversity (YARA, national youth choir).

Maria Carmela Ranieri / junior high school

Maria Carmela Ranieri, began her musical studies at the S. Giacomantonio Conservatory of Music in Cosenza, obtaining diplomas in Choral Music and Choir Condution, Music Didactics and Trumpet. She also completed a two-year specialisation course at the Accademia Corale Italiana in Arezzo, which enabled her to perfect her technical and artistic skills in the field of choral conducting. She holds a degree in D.A.M.S. from the University of Calabria and a Master's Degree in 20th Century Musical Cultures from the University of Rome Tor Vergata. Her career is characterised by a constant commitment to the promotion of choral music and the education of the younger generations. She conducts several choral groups, including the Piccolo Coro del Teatro A. Rendano di Cosenza, with which she carries out intense concert activity and participates in national and international competitions, winning prestigious prizes and awards. She has taught History of Music at the Conservatorio di Musica T. Schipa in Lecce, at the detached section in Ceglie Messapica (BR). She currently teaches Fundamentals of Musical Communication at the degree course in Primary Education Sciences at the University of Calabria. She is also the contact person for the Organisation of Calabria Choirs (OCC) for the youth choirs, children and school choirs section for the province of Cosenza and Crotone.

Jan Schumacher (Germany) / high school

Jan Schumacher (1980) è professore e direttore artistico alla Goethe-Universität di Francoforte e insegna direzione d'orchestra all'Accademia di Musica di Darmstadt. Oltre ai cori e alle orchestre dell'Università di Francoforte e dell'Accademia di Darmstadt, Jan è anche direttore della Camerata Musica Limburg. Con questo gruppo ha partecipato all'IFCM WSCM, alla Conferenza Nazionale dell'ACDA e ha vinto il primo premio in concorsi corali internazionali. Con i suoi ensemble realizza ampi repertori che vanno dai canti gregoriani a prime esecuzioni mondiali, all'improvvisazione vocale o elettronica, lavorando sia con l'orchestra sinfonica che la Big Band. Jan tiene corsi per cori, orchestre e direttori in tutta la Germania ed è stato membro della giuria nei concorsi corali nazionali di Germania, Austria e Svizzera. È curatore di diverse raccolte corali con alcune delle più importanti case editrici corali (Helbing, Carus, Bärenreiter, Peters). A livello internazionale ha collaborato con festival come America Cantat, Africa Cantat, Europa Cantat e Choralies, e ha tenuto workshop e conferenze presso l'American Choral Directors Association, l'IFCM World Symposium o la Philippine Choral Directors Association. È stato direttore ospite del Chamber Choir of Europe, del Taipeh Philharmonic Choir, dello State Choir Polifonija (Lituania), del Fayha National Choir (Libano), del Coro Universitario de Mendoza e altri. Jan è stato invitato a tenere masterclass in Bulgaria, Islanda, Turchia, Stati Uniti, Venezuela, Argentina, Cina e Iran. Dal 2019 è stato nominato direttore artistico del prestigioso German Choir Competition e dal 2020 è vicepresidente dell'IFCM (International Federation for Choral Music). Per molti anni è stato membro del consiglio di amministrazione della European Choral Association.

Giorgio Susana / high school

Graduated in Pianoforte, Choral Conducting, Composition, and Music Education, Giorgio Susana performs intensively as a concert artist and composer in Italy and in many countries around the world. He is pianist in several chamber ensembles and accompanist pianist to solo singers. He has always supported the growth of young people through choral singing and music with his teaching activities. He is the founder and current conductor of several orchestras and youth and school choirs. He is the conductor of the Corocastel male choir and the Ensemble Vocale Musicantus. He composes choral and instrumental music, oratorios, operas, musicals and songs. He has received awards in several national and international competitions as composer and conductor and prestigious career prizes. His compositions are published in Italy, Germany, Japan and America. He is a member of the Artistic Committee of the National Choral Competition of Vittorio Veneto, former member of the ASAC Regional Artistic Committee, he is a full professor of Theory of Harmony and Analysis of Compositional Forms at the Conservatory of Trieste, of Choral Composition and Arrangement at the AERCO Academy and is regularly invited as a lecturer in masterclasses, seminars, conferences and as a jury member in prestigious national and international competitions.

Sanna Valvanne / primary and junior high school

Sanna Valvanne, founding director of the Sing & Shine Choirs and Artistic Director of the 2017 Tampere Vocal Festival, is one of the most international and innovative Finnish choir conductors. She is recognized world wide for her creative and expressive choral method “Sing & Shine with Body & Soul”. A former singer and vocal trainer of the world famous Tapiola Choir, Sanna created her method in 1994, while studying for her Master’s Degree in Music at the Sibelius Academy. She has since been a popular guest conductor with hundreds of choirs and festivals around the world. From 2005-2016, Sanna worked in the USA as the artistic director of the North American Choral Company, and choral conductor for El Sistema inspired music programs for children in underserved communities, developing her work further to support social causes. In 2016, Sanna returned to Finland to launch her own choir organization, the Sing and Shine Choirs, providing an empowering choir community and creative performance training for hundreds of enthusiastic children, youth and adults in the Helsinki Capital area.Whether with her own choirs or guest conducting, Sanna continues to expand the boundaries of choral expression, and explore new ways of sharing love and joy through singing.

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