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High school and youth choirs ateliers

7 ateliers are programmed for high school and youth choirs

Application form high school and youth choirs 

B1 | Prism of voices
lecturer: Davide Benetti (Italy)

The voice knows how to clothe itself in nuances, how to describe the shadows and lights of the world, of feelings and of humanity itself: from dark descents to bright surges, from shadowy emotions to a delicate light of peace.
mixed choir | language: Italian

B2 | In which sense?
lecturer: Maria Ciavarella (Italy)

In search of a sense in the senses, we delve into a repertoire full of surprises and musical adventures, losing ourselves in our perceptions, finding ourselves with the compass of our voice.

female choir | language: Italian

B3 | The golden circle (The Lion King)
lecturer: Elisa Dal Corso (Italy)

Drawing from the stage version of the famous title, we are transported to a warm, yellow African dawn where the singers transform into lions, gazelles, antelopes, wildebeests, zebras, birds and monkeys, singing in Swahili to the rhythm of their hearts.

mixed choir | language: Italian 

B4 | Ancient consonances
lecturer: Fabio Lombardo (Italy)

A journey through ancient polyphonies, from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance, to rediscover the sense of consonance, when voices meet and involve the body in a play of attractions that act on the ear like a magnet.

mixed choir | language: Italian

B5 | Vocal essence
lecturer: Rohan Poldervaart (The Netherlands)

The essence of singing together lies in involving all our senses. Through resonance, we experience emotions and physical reactions. Together, we develop a performance and write a song that engages senses and emotions in our creative expression.

mixed choir | language: English

B6Les parfums, les couleurs et les sons
lecturer: Jan Schumacher (Germany)

Baudelaire imagines nature as a place where scents, colours and sounds respond to each other. We let this happen on stage, searching for correspondences between our perceptions..

mixed choir | language: English

B7 Symphony of cinema
lecturer: Giorgio Susana (Italy)

Music tunes our emotions, reveals human nature, moves us, disturbs us, surprises us. It calls to mind images, faces, sensations. And what art has shown us all this better than cinema?

mixed choir | language: Italian


Ateliers: How to practice?

During the festival the choir participates in only one atelier, unless objective needs are agreed upon with the organisation. When registering, each group has the option of specifying multiple atelier choices. The options are only indicative; the final division into the ateliers is determined by the artistic coordinator, Carlo Pavese, jointly with the festival organisation on the basis of various factors such as: staffing, size of the group, curricula, previous participation in the festival, other characteristics.
The ateliers are held in Italian or English as specified in the section dedicated to the description of the ateliers. In Montecatini Terme, each participant receives the educational file related to his or her atelier, which he or she should keep carefully for study during the festival.

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