for female choir | language: italian
Love torments to remove sleep, magic formulas and witchcraft to take the "fascination" away, musical exorcisms to heal from the "bite of the Tarantula": an original journey in the traditions of Southern Italy.
WORKING ROOM: Palazzo dei Congressi (first floor), viale Giovanni Amendola, 2
♪ Coro del liceo L. Da Vinci from Alba (Cn) | conductor Giordano Ricci
♪ Giovani Cantori di Rauscedo (Pn) | conductor Cristiana Fornasier
♪ Soleri-Bertoni Choir del liceo G. Soleri - A. Bertoni from Saluzzo (Cn) | conductor Enrico Miolano
♪ Coro Hebel del liceo classico S.M. Legnani from Saronno (Va) | conductor Raffaele Cifani
♪ Coro Melodia from Stezzano (Bg) | conductor Carmen D’Amelio
dress code of the atelier concert: total BLACK (jeans/skirt and T-shirt or shirt) and a particular RED ELEMENT (ex. accessory); if possibile also a BLACK SCARF.
language: italian
soft and persistent light of the landscape has influenced the interpretation of
the sound of Scandinavian and Baltic composers. Works of nordic minimalism that
has been so successful in last years!
WORKING ROOM: Terme Excelsior, viale Giuseppe Verdi, 63
♪ Coro dell’i.i.s. A. Meucci e del liceo M. Fanoli from Cittadella (Pd) | conductor Maurizio Santoiemma
♪ Coro polifonico del liceo musicale L. Della Valle from Cosenza | conductor Saverio Tinto
♪ Schola cantorum G. D’Annunzio dell’i.t.a.s. G. D’Annunzio from Gorizia | conductor Ettore D’Osvaldo
♪ Coro del liceo scientifico A. Einstein from Teramo | conductor Ettore Sisino
♪ Coro del liceo musicale A. Manzoni from Varese | conductor Carla La Ricca
dress code of the atelier concert: monochrome LIGHT-BLUE or GREY T-SHIRT.
language: english
How do different pieces of music touch us and move us? We will explore rhythmically challenging and emotionally touching songs through musical history and from cultures around the world.
WORKING ROOM: Centro Congressi del Grand Hotel Vittoria, Via Guido Baccelli 2A
♪ The Efroni Choir from Netanya, Emek Hefer (Israele) | conductor Shelley Berlinsky
♪ Coro del liceo classico, musicale e delle scienze umane C. Rinaldini from Ancona | conductor Marco Guarnieri
♪ Coro Crossover dell’i.i.s. M.K. Gandhi di Besana from Brianza (Mb) | conductor Raffaele Cifani
♪ Coro del liceo classico J. Stellini from Udine | conductor Anna Pezzetta
♪ Coro del liceo classico E. Cairoli from Varese | conductor Raffaele Cifani
dress code of the atelier concert: total RED T-SHIRT.
language: english
The irregular rhythms, the loud sounds and the marked tones that characterize the balkan folk music in contrast with the nuances and melodies that you reach going back to the North.
WORKING ROOM: Terme Regina, viale Verdi 71
♪ Coro dei licei C. Varano from Camerino (Mc) | conductor Vincenzo Pierluca
♪ Coro del liceo classico Augusto from Roma | conductor Camilla Di Lorenzo
♪ Coro giovanile Filelfo dell’i.i.s. F. Filelfo from Tolentino (Mc) | conductor Fabiano Pippa
♪ Coro D'Azeglio del liceo classico M. D'Azeglio from Torino | conductor Carlo Pavese
♪ Coro del liceo classico e linguistico F. Petrarca from Trieste | conductor Francesco Calandra
♪ Coro del liceo scientifico G. Ferraris from Varese | conductor Raffaele Cifani
dress code of the atelier concert: total BLUE or ORANGE T-SHIRT.
language: italian
Today, in Italy, pop music is sung in choir thanks also to Ciro Caravano and his band. The pluriannual experience of the vocal ensemble “Neri per caso”, the quality of the singing arrangements and the passion for singing are the ingredients of this recipe.
WORKING ROOM: Palazzo dei Congressi (grand floor), viale Giovanni Amendola, 2
♪ Coro della rete Crescere con la musica dell’i.i.s. G. Galilei from Avezzano (Aq) | conductor Anna Tranquilla Neri
♪ Coro giovanile di Marostica (Vi) | conductor Lino Giuseppe Dalla Gassa
♪ Coro Albertelli del liceo classico P. Albertelli from Roma | conductor Ludovico Versino
♪ Coro De Sanctis dell’i.i.s. G. De Sanctis from Roma | conductor Marco Proietti Cignitti
♪ Coro Keplero del liceo scientifico G. Keplero from Roma | conductor Ludovico Versino
dress code of the atelier concert: white and black or white and dark blue STRIPED or POIS dress.
language: italian
A music journey that starts from the most used shapes by the great german maestro and develops through the gaze of some contemporary composers who collect the legacy.
WORKING ROOM: Palazzo dei Congressi (second floor), viale Giovanni Amendola, 2
♪ Coro del liceo musicale L. Da Vinci from Alba (Cn) | conductor Sergio Daniele
♪ Coro del liceo musicale E. Bianchi from Cuneo | conductor Flavio Becchis
♪ Coro Musicaliceo del liceo G. Dal Piaz from Feltre (Bl) | conductor Sheila Rech
♪ Coro del liceo musicale C. Sigonio from Modena | conductor Marco Bernabei
dress code of the atelier concert: JEANS, WHITE T-SHIRT and total DARK JACKET.
language: english
A selection of modern and catchy pop/rock tunes in brand new arrangements. While singing we will explore different approaches to working on groove, pitch, blend, phrasing and expression: are you ready to fly?
WORKING ROOM: Palazzo dei Congressi (first floor), viale Giovanni Amendola, 2
♪ Moll-Chor del Mollgymnasium from Mannheim (Germania) | conductor Tibor Stettin
♪ Coro G. Luzi dell'i.i.s. R. Casimiri from Gualdo Tadino (Pg) | conductor Michele Fumanti
♪ Coro giovanile del liceo scientifico G. Oberdan from Trieste | conductor Aglaia Merkel
dress code of the atelier concert: ROCK STYLE with particular rock elements (ex. leather, jacket, amphibias, studs...)
for youth choirs (aged 16-26) | language: english
Mysteries is a musical adventure into an unknown world and contemporary music for choir with a unsettling staging that includes lighting, dancing, movements, and many surprises beyond. Only for brave singers!"
WORKING ROOM: Terme Tettuccio (Portoghesi room), viale G. Verdi 63
♪ Coro giovanile Sante Sabide from Codroipo (Ud) | conductor Giorgio Cozzutti
♪ Coro Unisono del liceo scientifico V. Volterra from Ciampino (Rm) | conductor Fabio De Angelis
♪ Coro giovanile Euphonios from Prato | conductor Elia Orlando
dress code of the atelier concert:
Ateliers: How to practice?
Every choir can attend one atelier only, except for objective necessities agreed with the organisation. When registering, each group will be asked to indicate two ateliers of its choice. The options are your wishes but the final ateliers’ composition will be decided by the Artistic Director of the festival, Lorenzo Donati, and the festival organisation, based on several factors such as voices, choral experience, previous participation in the festival, group size, or other. The ateliers language is Italian or English, as specified inthe section dedicated to the description of the workshops. At the arrival in Montecatini Terme, each participant will receive a booklet with the atelier scores.
A level ateliers: registration by 31/01/2019
They are addressed to choirs wishing to attend the festival without an early preparation. You will find the scores directly in Montecatini Terme.
B level ateliers: registration by 15/12/2018
For singers who come prepared to the festival. In order to participate in this atelier, the choirs have to pass a selection based on the curricula and the video/audio files attached to the registration. The outcome will be communicated by the organisation by 15/01/2019 together with the atelier scores to be studied. Choirs not admitted to level B workshops will participate to A level workshops.
C level ateliers: registration by 15/12/2018
For singers who come prepared to the festival. It takes placefrom 10 to 13 April, at the same time as the high schools festival. In order to participate in this atelier, the choirs have to pass a selection based on the curricula and the video/audio files attached to the registration. The outcome will becommunicated by the organisation by 15/01/2019 together with the atelier scores to be studied. The atelier will perform in its own final concert.