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Schedule 2018

High schools’ and youth choirs (aged 14-19)

Wednesday 18th april

morning arrivals
12.30 Lunch
15.00-18.00 Atelier
18.15 Parade and welcome meeting in the main square 
19.15 Dinner
21.00 Coro Giovanile Italiano (Italian National Youth Choir) in concert

Thursday 19th april

9.00-12.00 Atelier
12.30 Lunch
15.00-17.00 Atelier
17.00-18.00 Singing all together
19.00 Dinner
21.00 Choir to choir participating choirs’ concert

Friday 20th april

9.00-12.00 Atelier
12.30 Lunchj
15.00-17.00 Atelier
17.00-18.00 Singing all together
19.00 Dinner
21.00 Choir to choir participating choirs’ concert

Saturday 21st april

9.00-12.00 Concert general rehearsal
12.30 Dinner
15.00 Gran Concerto di Primavera ateliers’ concert
following departures

All the meals will be at the hotel.
The schedule might change.

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