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Info and applications

Conductors or listeners willing to participate to the Academy can fill in the application form not later than 31st May 2017 (available online on, attaching their ID document, their curriculum vitae with details about education and conducting experiences and a digital picture. A link to a video showing one of their conducting performance would be appreciated. In addition, in order to complete the application, each participant has to pay the total amount of the participation fee by international bank transfer to Feniarco.

Banca Prossima
IBAN IT 26 T 03359 01600 100000060527 - BIC/SWIFT BCITITMX

Country groupECA-EC direct membersECA-EC indirect membersNon members
1€ 170€ 200€ 230
2€ 135-€ 180
3€ 100-€ 140

15% reduction for participants under 27 years old (by 27/8/2017)

Country groups: people from different countries pay a different participation fee for the Academy. 

Country group 1: AT, BE, CA, CH, DE, DK, ES, FI, FR, HK, IE, IL, IS, IT, JP, LU, NL, NO, SE, SG, UK, US
Country group 2: CN, CY, CZ, EE, GR, MT, PT, SI, SK, TW, ZA and some overseas countries
Country group 3: AL, AM, BA, BG, BY, GE, HR, HU, KZ, LT, LV, MD, ME, MK, PL, RO, RS, RU, TR, UA

If your country is not listed or you are not sure which country group you belong to, write to

Direct member: if you or your choir are a direct member of the European Choral Association -Europa Cantat (ECA-EC).
Indirect member: if you or your choir are a member of a choral organisation in your country which is a member of the European Choral Association - Europa Cantat (ECA-EC) in good standing(country groups 1 and 2). 

The list of member organisation is on -> Members.

The contribution includes participation in the workshop and in the final concert and the scores.If the active conductors’ applications will be more than 20, the selection will be based on the resumes, and the results will be announced by 20th June2017.
The participation fee will be returned to the non selected applicants. Feniarco made an agreement for accommodation and meals, offering: full board in double or triple room in 3stars hotels (from dinner on Sunday27th August to breakfast on Sunday 3rd September) at the price of 50€ per day and person. Single room (limited availability): + 30 € per day and person. 

Almost every city in Italy has introduced the “tourist tax”: the participation fee does not include this tax that must be paid directly to the hotel hosting you. If you would like to reserve your accommodation and meals through the Academy’s organisation, you will also have to pay a deposit of 50% of the accommodation and meals’ fee when applying.
The balance of the remaining payment must be paid by 1st August 2017: if you fail to pay your balance within the correct terms, your full board cannot be reserved further. In case of cancellation, the deposit will not be refunded. If you cancel your application after 1st August, all the paid amount will not be refunded.

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