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LEGàMI CORàLI / Choral legacies:
harmony of voices for an inclusive world

Realised with the funding of the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies, year 2023, from the fund provided by Article 72 of Legislative Decree no. 117/2017

Within the framework of the above-mentioned legislation, Feniarco APS designed the project ‘LEGàMI CORàLI: harmony of voices for an inclusive world’, ranking 49th out of 157 applications submitted and therefore being among those accepted for funding by the Ministry.

Project partners

This project includes activities in 19 regions and can count on the precious collaboration of an ATS (Temporary Purpose Association) consisting of 11 partners in as many regions:

  • ACP Associazione Cori Piemontesi APS / Piedmont Association of Choirs
  • ACT Associazione Cori della Toscana APS / Tuscany Choirs Association
  • AERCO Associazione Emiliano-Romagnola Cori APS / Emilia Romagna Regional Choir Association
  • ARCOM Associazione Regionale Cori Marchigiani APS / Marche Regional Association of Choirs
  • ARCOPU Associazione Regionale Cori Pugliesi APS / Apulia Regional Association of Choirs
  • Cori Lombardia APS / Choirs in Lombardy
  • FERSACO Federazione Regionale Sarda Associazioni Corali APS / Sardinia Regional Federation of Choirs
  • USCI Friuli Venezia Giulia APS / Friuli Venezia Giulia Regional Association of Choirs
  • Coro della Polifonica Materana Pierluigi da Palestrina APS / Polifonica Materana Pierluigi da Palestrina Choir
  • Coro Penne Nere di Aosta APS / Penne Nere di Aosta Choir
  • Associazione Culturale Musicale Aura Artis APS / Aura Artis Cultural and Musical Association


The project will run from 20 May 2024 to 20 November 2025.

Objectives, focus areas and activities

General Objectives
Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all

Priority areas of action
1. Ensure that all learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development, including, among others, through education for sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles, human rights, gender equality, promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence, global citizenship and appreciation of cultural diversity and of culture’s contribution to sustainable development
2. Build and upgrade education facilities that are child, disability and gender sensitive and provide safe, non-violent, inclusive and effective learning environments for all
3. Development of Third Sector association networks and strengthening of their capacity building, functional to the implementation of the offer of support services to Third Sector organisations.


The LEGàMI CORàLI project intends to promote, increase, improve and stimulate ties between people, the environment, nature, citizenship, and the social context, through various activities that, through music and, above all, choral singing, can effectively pursue the objectives set out in the 2030 Agenda, with specific reference to the goal of providing quality, equitable and inclusive education and lifelong learning opportunities for all.

Here follows the specific activities that will be realised:

1.1 - Project management and establishment and activation of a project steering group.
1.2 - Preparation and implementation of a communication campaign.
1.3 - Design and coordination of the overall training plan and of the actions to be implemented.
1.4 - Choral evaluation: a structured in itinere and ex post evaluation activity is foreseen to support the project.

2.1 - Cori di classe and CantaMi la scuola: actions aimed to promote music as an instrument of socialising at school, as a fundamental means of preventing school drop-out and youth distress, strengthening children's cognitive, relational and value skills.
2.2 - Coro Lab: an educational programme with the aim of training trainers.
2.3 - Inclusive and lifelong music education: round tables and conferences to promote good practices and educational experiences based on music and inclusionin all contexts of the Italian school system.
2.4 - Giro Giro Canto: creativity is fundamental to keep youth discomfort at bay and to prevent forms of deviance or addiction.
2.5 - Meetings and exchanges: when different choral realities meet on the same stage, we automatically witness alternative and complementary ways of conceiving musical sharing

3.1 - Choral Trekking: immersive nature trails for age groups 0-99 with music and singing as a common theme.
3.2 - Circle Songs: intergenerational workshops that allow people to immerse themselves in the sound of the circle, feel community, stimulate creativity.
3.3 - Regional choirs: popular projects involving people from areas with different characteristics, cultures and special needs; they should be stimulated, supported and encouraged.
3.4 - Music alphabetisation: developing knowledge and competence corresponds to fostering the cultural and social growth of a country. Like the child who learns to read and write at school, those who make music need specific learning paths to learn the language of music.

4.1 - Sing to me Mother: polyphonic singing workshops for women, created by women.
4.2 - Songs of solidarity: singing workshops and performances in challenging contexts, of hardship or with lonely people.
4.3 - Voices from the world: combining, mixing and assembling musical elements to tell a story starting from the emotional and sensorial involvement offered by experimenting new languages and listening to Mediterranean storytelling; moreover, shared listening to musical pieces and structured proposals of active musical explorations carried out also through ecological instruments. 

5.1 - Youth Choral Camp: the focus on young people and the new generations is a key point in the programming of the entire choral network, not only as an investment for the future, aimed at training tomorrow's singers, but also and especially because of the importance of choral activity in the growth and development of each person, from many points of view.
5.2 - Officina corale: an original and unconventional training programme, with sessions of learning and collective and individual growth through direct experiences, addressed to the under-30s with a view to the 2030 Agenda.
5.3 - Growing talents: advanced training seminars for young conductors and composers, competitions and exchanges, educational sessions, pubblication of new compositions. 

6.1 - A choral Third Sector: the strengthening of skills in the territories is a prerequisite for the growth of the entire choral network that refers to Feniarco. This is essential in order to undertake even more effective actions to achieve the statutory objectives and those set out in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

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