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Direct members

Feniarco is the National Federation of the Regional Choral Associations. 
The Assembly of Feniarco is the collective decision-making body of the association and is made up of the President, the two Vice-Presidents, the President or other permanent representative of each member association or regional federation including the Federations of the Provinces of Trento and Bolzano.

Founded initially by: Cori del Trentino Federation, U.S.C.I. Friuli Venezia Giulia, A.E.R.CO. Associazione Emiliano Romagnola Cori, A.S.A.C. Association for the Development of Choral Activities, A.R.C.L. Regional Association of Cori del Lazio, U.S.C.I. Lombardia, A.R.C.A. Regional Association Cori Abruzzo, over the years has seen the accession of all other regions to involve the entire nation.

The regional choral associations:

In Feniarco there are 2800 choirs all over Italy. You can find the complete list with all the details (in Italian) on the web-site portal:

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